“We all have stories to tell, of joy and pain, of hope and suffering and of the way we have found Christ in them. They should be told.” John Grayston, WordLive, 27/9/2018. Click here
The past week has been filled with some personal drama, and in between the unusual events, I have stitched together manuscript two When Promises Are Broken. There is still a lot of work ahead before I am ready to call for beta readers. Comment below if you would like to be on the team.
This month is Inktober, and I have been taking part in the online drawing challenge. The aim is to draw something
To go with Inktober2018, I have added a 200-word writing challenge. Each little story will contain some of the backstories for the first manuscript, but there are no spoilers. I hope my readers enjoy the opportunity to get to know my heroine prior to her first published adventure. )i(